MVHS-ATC Early College
In 2016, Midland Valley High School and Aiken Technical College partnered to create the Early College initiative. The program allows rising sophomores at Midland Valley to begin their college coursework early and earn an associates degree from ATC before graduating from high school. Midland Valley High School is the only Early College Program in Aiken County.
In May 2019, twelve Midland Valley High School seniors graduated from Aiken Technical College, becoming the first graduating class from the Early College program. This cohort of students started the Early College program in 2016 as sophomores and took two college level courses every semester taught by Aiken Technical College faculty.
PEP works alongside Aiken County Public Schools and the Aiken Technical College Foundation in a collaborative effort to secure donors for the funding of this program. PEP’s Early College goal is to build ongoing partnerships to ensure that every student accepted into the Early College Program can financially afford to attend.

Program Facts
- Students must meet the entrance requirements for ATC students.
- Students are taught by ATC faculty.
- Students have access to ATC resources and library.
- On Fridays students attend a specially designed class where the teacher addresses any challenges they might be experiencing with the college course work.
- Starting as rising sophomores, students take two ATC courses every semester, including summer sessions.
- SC lottery funds cover a portion of ATC’s tuition provided a student is enrolled in two ATC courses each semester.
- Students will receive college credit for every ATC course in which they earn a C or above.
- Every ATC course is transferable to a four-year college in South Carolina.
- 33% of this group of students qualifies for free and reduced lunch.
- Semester courses are taught on MVHS’s campus eliminating transportation barriers.
- EARLY COLLEGE reduces the cost of a 4-year college degree after HS graduation.

An Investment in MVHS EARLY COLLEGE Students is an Investment in Our Community!
The cost of a semester is $572 after the SC lottery award is applied. (books not included) Graduating seniors who meet South Carolina scholarship requirements are still eligible to receive up to four years of college funding towards a bachelor degree.
Suggested Gift Amounts
- $1,750 will sponsor a student for a year (Fall, Spring and Summer Session)
- A three-year commitment will carry the student through completion of their degree
- $550 will sponsor a student for a semester
- $250 will assist with a semester’s tuition or the cost of books for a year
- $100 will cover the cost of books for a semester
Help us meet the challenge of making EARLY COLLEGE A REALITY for every student accepted into the program. A gift of any amount speaks to your commitment to education and your belief in the work we do. For more information, contact us at .
Public Education Partners is a 501 (c) 3 organization. All Gifts are Tax Deductible to the extent allowable by law.